When an entrepreneur should know everything


During the EntreFox project, we have first organized entrepreneurial training and peer groups in Meilahti, Helsinki, and finally in Zoom, where we have been discussing key issues for entrepreneurs over the age of 55 for a semester, every couple of weeks. Between coaches, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to spar with their own specific questions. Based on the final interviews, we can say that some of the themes are enduring favorites.

Containing stolons. Enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and all the opportunities to do interesting and meaningful work, on the one hand, and worried that there are enough gigs, on the other hand, it can become tempting to do everything that customers come up with to ask for and come up with. The risks are the ambiguity of your own corporate message, the inconvenience of marketing and the end of the entrepreneur’s endurance. Limiting and clarifying what you do is felt easier in a peer group and with the help of a marketing professional.

Marketing your own expertise. “I’m not the kind that flaunts their skills” and “everyone can do this”. In the group of entrepreneurs over the age of 55, it was easy to wake up to the fact that over the course of a long career, special and unique skills have been accumulated that everyone doesn’t have and which they should dare to promote. Many more websites, promotional videos and social media campaigns were created during the group.

Prices up. “Can I really ask for that much?” Many solo entrepreneurs are reluctant to ask for compensation for their work or product that would not only cover the costs, but also leave a buffer in the company’s cash register for a bad day and allow for investment. Other entrepreneurs are more likely to value an entrepreneur’s job or service as much more valuable than the entrepreneur themselves.

A variety of practical things and choices. Especially information technology. Especially the solo entrepreneur doesn’t really have anyone with whom to ball all sorts of everyday problems from space solutions to running a business, let alone IT challenges. The groups received ideas from other entrepreneurs for many everyday problems, but the IT problems seemed painful. Fortunately, Digiapusi was found, from which the last two groups received gold-worthy advice and concrete help with IT puzzles, which themselves can take hours of work to solve.

Taking care of your own well-being. For some, it is a way of life and for others it needs encouragement. When a company is going through a rough patch, it is difficult for an entrepreneur to prioritize something else over work done for the company’s sake. Sometimes, you can be so excited about a project, that you don’t want to take breaks and eat properly. Some would need such a peer group repeatedly.

A group meeting quite closely becomes important and close to you. There were almost no interruptions. Even more seemingly more personal issues are already daring to be raised, and it is surprising to find that others have the same problems and doubts, if any.

At the end, we were asked if there would be more of these groups. Can I advertise to a friend? Support for entrepreneurs organized with project funding will end when the project ends. The format proved to work.
If only we could continue them more systematically.



Miira Heiniö

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

On Thursday 2.12., EntreFox will hold a webinar in English, where experts from Digiapusi solve digital problems for entrepreneurs and the self-employed. More information and registration: https://entrefox.fi/digital-clinic-for-entrepreneurs-and-self-employed-people/


Originally posted on the 28th of October, 2021