An entrepreneur’s competence mapping is an evoking and encouraging self-assessment tool that enables the entrepreneur to identify areas of their competence and get tips for developing their competence.

In addition to entrepreneurship, you are also a professional in a certain content or sector. The entrepreneur’s competence can thus be roughly divided into professional competence and entrepreneurial competence. This competence survey applies to entrepreneurial competence, i.e. the general skills, abilities, experiences and characteristics that your company needs. Remember that you can also buy services – you don’t need to know everything yourself.

The competence survey includes six competence areas that are essential for entrepreneurs. By clicking on the title, you can go directly to the competence area you have selected or, if you wish, do them all in succession. It takes about five minutes to complete one section. If you do all of them consecutively, reserve about half an hour to complete them. Each competence area has 5-10 skills or characteristics that you can comment on.

The competence areas are:

  1. Sales and marketing competence
  2. Financial competence
  3. Legal competence
  4. Business development
  5. People management
  6. Managing your own work

Once you have graded the competencies you selected, you will receive a summary of your answers. If you wish to do so, you can save the response report as a PDF file. The response report also contains links and additional information for competence development. The answers to the competence survey will remain on your device and will not be saved anywhere else.


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The entrepreneur’s competence assessment is based on the needs of entrepreneurs, which were discovered in co-operation with entrepreneurs participating in the EntreFox project. Previous skills identification tools have been utilised in the development of competence mapping, especially EntreComp at the EU level: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework and a Competence framework produced in the Taidot työhön (Skills for Work) project.