Three things to learn from the Entrepreneur’s development discussion testing event


We have been creating the “Entrepreneur’s development discussion” for about a year now and have been collecting feedback and development suggestions in our own entrepreneur groups and workshops. Now it was time to seek feedback from outside the EntreFox-project as well.

The aim is to produce a free tool that enables an entrepreneur to assess and develop their skills, time and health related to entrepreneurship. The tool is currently a website built around the idea of a developmental discussion and it includes self-assessment assignments and tips on entrepreneurial time management, skills, and health.

On the 22nd of April 2021, we held the first testing session of the Entrepreneur’s development discussion. The participants were 53 entrepreneurs from all over Finland, who gave us feedback and development suggestions in a two-hour online event. Almost the entire EntreFox project team was meeting participants and recording feedback.

Thank you all for your valuable contribution! We gathered smart development proposals to make it a more impressive totality to support entrepreneurs of all ages.

And what was the experience of testing an unfinished product with a target audience? Exciting, and valuable. My experience can be summarized in three points.


  1. Incompleteness is an advantage!

Although some of the content is unpolished and the technical implementation is still at a stage, it is better to do repairs and fine-tuning before the product is ready for use. Now we hear feedback from entrepreneurs early enough. It is important to communicate to participants that the product is still unfinished so that the expectations meet the reality.


  1. Keep things simple

Every word matters while instructing testers. We instructed the entrepreneurs to get acquainted with the different aspects of the Entrepreneur’s development discussion and thought carefully about what we asked the entrepreneurs at the event. We kept the questions short. Before and after a product discussion and gathering of feedback, it’s time for an important, free chat.


  1. Grow a thick skin

Our project team has been shaping content and word choices for a long time. Hearing direct and honest feedback can be a bad place when your own work is being criticized. Thank you for your honesty, entrepreneurs!

Our work on the Entrepreneur’s development discussion will continue until the end of the year. All thoughts and cooperation among the product are more than welcome to us.



Sara Lindström, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health


Originally posted on the 15th of June, 2021