The Entrepreneur’s competence mapping is almost done!


As a part of the EntreFox +55 Entrepreneurs and Working Life project, we have come up with a project team to design, produce and develop a new website: The Entrepreneur Development Path. In April and November last year, Finnish entrepreneurs have tested the site and given feedback on it.

On a November morning, we gathered with more than 40 people for the second joint online event of the project to hone the site even better. There were plenty of solo entrepreneurs as test users, giving feedback to us project representatives. Perhaps the most ambitious and most important part of the website is the Entrepreneur competence mapping. There are no similar Finnish tools for entrepreneurs to assess their current entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurial competence mapping is an awakening and encouraging self-assessment tool that allows an entrepreneur to identify areas of their own competence and get tips for developing their skills. British researchers Catherine Wang and Harveen Chugh (2014) wrote a review article on research on entrepreneurial skills learning, emphasize that linking things directly to one’s own business is one of the most effective ways to acquire entrepreneurial skills. The idea of competence mapping is just that. Using competency mapping, you will identify areas of expertise related to entrepreneurship and get advice on how you can maintain or develop them as part of your work.

The competence mapping includes six areas that are essential for entrepreneurs: sales and marketing competencies, financial competencies, legal competencies, business development skills, people management competencies and self-employment management skills. The survey has received roses and twigs from test users. The entirety is comprehensive and useful. Based on the feedback, we will further develop the structure and word choices of the competency mapping.

We are still making the final filings on the website, but the goal of the final release is already beginning to loom. A warm thank you to all of you who have been involved.



Sara Lindström


Wang, L. & Chugh, H. (2014) Entrepreneurial learning: Past research and future challenges. International Journal of Management Reviews, 16, 24-61.


Originally posted on the 12th of January, 2022