How I am doing as an entrepreneur and as a person?


I was talking to a familiar sole entrepreneur who lives alone. When he gave blood in June last corona year, he had woken up to the fact that this was his first physical contact with another person in three months. He had told his neighbour about this. The two solo adults decided to start hugging whenever they met, forming a hugging bubble with each other.

A sole entrepreneur is pretty much alone with everything else too. How’s my company doing, what I want my company to do, who are my customers in the future, how do I get enough visibility… Amid all the questions related to entrepreneurship, there is a risk of forgetting how I am doing as an entrepreneur and as a person.

The entrepreneur’s development discussion is a mirror to one’s own well-being and competence. It provides an easy-to-use tool for selecting and monitoring your development targets. You can take a deeper look at your time use, skills and health if they seem topical. The discussion tool suggests actions and more information about the topic. A development discussion helps you monitor your situation. Are you satisfied with it, or do you need to identify, as my familiar sole entrepreneur, what and how needs to be corrected in your activities?

In the EntreFox project, we organise an online testing event for the Entrepreneur’s Development Discussion on 22 April 2021 at 9-11 a.m. We hope to bring in entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs’ sparring partners to get feedback on the usability and fluency of language. You can sign up here:  We can pay a small compensation to the first 30 enrolled entrepreneurs who do not participate in EntreFox’s coaching groups.


Miira Heiniö
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health