Happiness can be found nearby – Healthy Entrepreneur


It is said that happiness is found in everyday life.

When writing this blog, the sun is shining, and the frost has made the landscape picturesque. Frost covers the ground. The beautiful landscape calms the mind, and the thoughts perhaps take a moment out of everyday worries and hurry. So, happiness can be found up close.

But where does the happiness of Finns come from? When Finland turned 100 years old, Statistics Finland compiled a list of comparisons in which Finland is at the forefront of the world. The list is already a few years old, but in many respects still relevant. In 2021, Finns were voted the happiest nation in the world for the fourth time. (https://www.stat.fi/tup/satavuotias-suomi/suomi-maailman-karjessa.html)

Such listings are nice to read. We highlighted a few particularly interesting achievements here.


Finland is the happiest country in the world.

Happiness, in the study, has been measured by looking at various factors that affect well-being, such as health, GDP and social support networks. Respondents were asked if they had smiled, laughed, or experienced enjoyment of their lives the day before.

We have also promoted happiness and well-being in EntreFox well-being workshops. Many things can bring well-being. These are the things we have now named, set goals for prosperity. There has been talk of well-being and health. There have also been smiles and laughter.

Laughter has been found to produce well-being. According to a British study, laughter reduces anger, anxiety, stress, and depression. Laughing can also affect physiological factors, meaning laughing can also raise the pain threshold, improve lung function, reduce the risk of a heart attack, and lower blood glucose levels.


Out of EU citizens, Finns have the second most often a close relative or a loved one, which they can rely upon if needed.

Networks and loved ones have also been identified as particularly relevant in well-being workshops. We believe that through the workshops, we will form lifelong friendships. These relationships are especially relevant now that we have had to distance ourselves from each other because of COVID. According to a survey commissioned by the Finnish Red Cross Economic Survey, almost one in three Finns is experiencing loneliness right now. So, let’s take care of each other and our loved ones.


Finland has the cleanest air in the world

How fresh and refreshing the air is that tempts us to move. Proximity to nature has been shown to reduce morbidity and increase happiness. It is known that seeing, experiencing and actively being in nature increases people’s well-being. The well-being effects of nature come quickly and last for a long time. Nature affects well-being by lowering blood pressure, reducing physical symptoms, and increasing physical activity, relieving stress, and improving mood. (Mental Hub) Social well-being is also increasing. So, now is just the time to go out into the woods and move around. Even the slightest jump in oxygen interrupts the day and refreshes the mind. Even better than a traditional cup of coffee.

As Christmas approaches, it’s a great time to stop for well-being.



Katja Heikkinen

Reetta Raitoharju


Originally posted on the 23rd of December, 2021