Entrepreneur: have a development discussion with yourself


Entrepreneur’s work is immensely hard, and especially in small companies, the entrepreneur’s job spectrum can vary widely from CEO to marketing manager to cleaner. Extensive tasks require versatile expertise and skills. However, often you don’t have the time to stop and think about your own situation in the middle of everyday work tasks. Similarly, in the midst of everyday activities, one’s own coping and well-being may be neglected.

In the EntreFox project, we are working on a development discussion for entrepreneurs over 55 years of age, in which the entrepreneur can mirror their skills and time management skills and consider themes related to well-being and coping. The work is still ongoing, and we will complete the content of the various topics during the project.  At the moment, an entrepreneur’s development discussion and tips on everyday time management and planning for longer-term time use have been published on our website.

We are more than happy to receive development ideas and feedback on content! Feedback can be sent to our expert Sara Lindström from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

The idea of a development discussion was born from discussions with entrepreneurs during our project. The discussions have highlighted the need to stop and consider the level of competence and possible areas of development, as well as one’s own coping and well-being. Based on these discussions and observations,  we are working on the Entrepreneur’s Development Discussion, which will hopefully provide tools, tips and solutions for monitoring and developing one’s own competence, time management and well-being. The package will also be available in English in the future.

The development discussion as a construct causes a lot of different for and against thoughts – depending entirely on one’s own experiences. Some are forced to participate in it every year, sometimes it is an excellent tool to stop, evaluate, monitor, and systematically develop your own skills and well-being. Regardless of your history, the set we’ve built will, hopefully, realize more of the latter. Although the tool is aimed at entrepreneurs aged over 55, most of the content is also suitable for entrepreneurs of all ages.

Entrepreneur, take a moment for yourself and have a development discussion with yourself: https://entrefox.fi/kehityskeskustelu/


With development regards,

Marika Säisä
EntreFox project manager
Turku University of Applied Sciences