An entrepreneur working from home – how to take care of yourself during an exceptional time


Due to the prevailing pandemic, the piece of mind of both entrepreneurs and employees has been put to the test. The coronavirus has increased the importance of healthcare and economy to a whole new scale. The uncertainty about the future and dubiety that has spread because of news coverage, have changed everyday life in many ways. Closing sports facilities and recommendation to avoid public gatherings require new ways of thinking to maintain both physical and mental well-being. Luckily, there are many opportunities to continue working, socializing and being physically active in modern technology-driven society. Given the current situation, we decided to list a few things to make our daily lives easier and to support our resources.


With gyms, sport and meeting places closing doors, the importance of nature as a place for exercise has increased. The popularity of nature trails and outdoor areas in the vicinity of cities has been growing for a reason. Fortunately, no one in Finland has a long distance to the forest and despite the restrictions, there is enough room for everyone. When work and everyday life are done in the same place, it is recommended to leave the four walls. Going out to nature trails promotes not only physical functioning but also mental health and endurance in everyday life.

Health and well-being from nature

Sports and maintaining the physique

Although the quick home exercises are familiar for the people already living a busy everyday life, their use is now broadly-to-date. Sports companies have successfully moved their services, such as home workouts, online coaching, and group exercises, online. You can have an effective workout at home without being exposed to the virus and human contact. A little after-work workout refreshes the mind and helps thoughts to flow. It’s good to take care of your own body, even if you can’t do your weekly workout in the pool or gym.

Activity recommendations for adults


The transition to working from home is new and challenging for many. Working at home brings many challenges that are not normally encountered in the workplace. Adherence to work routines, such as working hours, lunch and coffee breaks as much as possible, often increases productivity and stimulates work progress.

The insecurity of work availability and the survival of one’s own business brings uncertainty in everyday life. Worrying about things is natural, but if it starts to take control of life, you can try to limit the time you spend on it by giving yourself permission, for example, to read the news and worry for an hour a day. Talking about things with loved ones also helps.

Social relationships

For many, colleagues are a significant part of social life, and the on-going situation has created a gap. However, it is important to upkeep social contacts despite the ban on gatherings. In addition to traditional phone calls and text messages, modern technology offers other solutions, i.e. video calls for bigger groups. It is worthwhile to make the most of the family support and spend time with them, if possible. Often, days filled with work and hobbies take up a large amount of family quality time. Now is a good time to invest in common hobbies, and, for example, trekking.


Securing the future is a website founded by seven active citizens, the purpose of which is to connect micro and small businesses in trouble and make the services, products and tools they offer available to consumers.

Katja Heikkinen, Annukka Myllymäki, Reetta Raitoharju, Teemu Hyytiä