Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your skills in networking within the digital world. Get the latest tips from our expert Aide Tonts who believes that building bridges and networks between local and foreign-born people is the key to wellbeing and success!

Aide Tonts is the author of the book “Verkostoidu, vaikuta, menesty” (Networking to improve success – How to Grow Social Capital and Turn it into Economic Benefits). She is a successful leader in the international business world, who has worked in seven different countries. Her first job has always been to build a network of trust between people in her organisation and also with various stakeholders outside the organisation.

The webinar will take place on 5 May 2021 and it is free of charge. Register here. Zoom link will be sent to you after you have registered.

Come as you are! We <3 rallienglanti too!



17.00 Welcoming words

17.05 Facilitator’s introduction to the topic

17.20 Breakout rooms

17.50 Wrapping up – what did we learn?


Event organizers: EntreFox-project (University of Helsinki) and Yrittäjät