Free Service Design course for entrepreneurs aged 55+

Come and join us to learn simple and easy methods to improve the customer experience for your business. You will learn innovative problem-solving methods for developing your product or service.

In this training, you will:

  • Learn how to apply design thinking tools in your own business
  • Design services that customers want
  • Co-create new ideas and your business with other entrepreneurs
  • Increase your network in an international environment

When: 15 September – 10 November

Where: Online and, if possible, at the city centre campus of the University of Helsinki

Type of training: 5 workshops and individual guidance (1h)

To whom: The course is open for over 55s who are self-employed, entrepreneurs or an employee of a small or middle sized business. When you register, you need to provide the business ID of a business registered in Uusimaa. We also have a few seats for foreign-born people aged 40-54. In this case, please contact us via filling in the registration form.


More info about Entrefox-project:



Day 1, 15 September 2021 4-7 pm. Introduction to design thinking

  • Getting to know each other
  • What is design thinking?
  • Design thinking process
  • Designing strategy Individual discussions with participants (one-on-one)

Day 2, 29 September 4-7 pm. Customer research workshop

  • The role of research in design thinking
  • Creating customer personas/profiles/empathy maps Independent working with own project: customer research

Day 3, 13 October 4-6 pm. Designing services

  • Introduction to service design
  • How to design live and/or digital customer experience?
  • Common tools: customer journey map/service blueprint

Day 4, 27 October 4-7 pm. Ideation workshop

  • How to link customer research in ideation?
  • Different Ideation techniques

Day 5, 10 November 4-7 pm. Rapid prototyping & testing

  • The value of prototyping
  • How to make quick prototypes of services and test them with customers/users


About our trainer

Kirsi Kaunissaari is an entrepreneur and a service designer with a business background. She has experience in working with small and midsize companies from Suomen Yrittäjät (The Federation of Finnish Entrepreneurs). She has also a long background in financial sector where she worked + 15 years with wealth management services. Design thinking approach is not just something for large corporations, Kirsi emphasizes. Small companies and entrepreneurs can benefit greatly from using design thinking for developing customer experience and business in general. In this training, you will get a chance to try different methods of design thinking to take a step further with your company. The previous EntreFox course by Kirsi got very positive feedback from the participants.