Keep your new year’s resolution and follow through your project in 2020 with the help of


What: Individual and peer-group coaching
According to your schedules and the aims of your project.
Three (3) peer-group sessions and two (2) individual sessions.

Charge: FREE

When: January-April 2020. Kick-off meetings (choose one or request a suitable time in the registration form):
Tue 28 Jan 2020 2-4 pm and Thu 6 Feb 2020 2-4 pm

Where: Helsinki City Centre

For whom: Foreign-born entrepreneurs and self-employed people aged 40+. You should be able to
provide a business ID (Y-tunnus) of the company you work for at least part-time.


Enrollment is in registration order.

With the help of coaching you can:
• Manage your time and be more productive
• Take better care of yourself and balance your energy between work and other things in life

We will help and support you in your process. Work coaching can, for example, enable you to recognize your goals related to your business projects, clarify your priorities, develop cooperation and help you in change.

Our coaches:

Aija Kaitera
“My passion is to help you to improve your productivity and find customer-centric approach to your services.”

Aija has 20 years’ experience in service development and management.

Annamari Tuori
“As a coach I want to help and support my customers to increase wellbeing at work and to create a well-functioning work life balance.”

Annamari is an organization expert with over ten year’s work experience from Hanken School of Economics.

Marjo Ruuti 
”My focus as coach is to inspire and support individuals/teams/workplaces to find their own strengths and potential.”

Marjo has 10 years’ experience in multidisciplinary teaching and mentoring and over 16 years’ experience in finance and business development at international Finnish company.





Tytti Steel
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Helsinki
Puh. +358 50 448 92 30